How To Get Rid Of Pigmentation Instantly

If you ask us about a home remedy to get glowing skin, we say milk ice cubes for the win! This DIY gives your skin that instant glow.

Start off by simply pouring cold milk in an ice tray and allow it to freeze. Take an ice cube, rub it on your skin for 3-4 minute. Then gently massage your face, do this just before you sleep to wake up to a brighter and fresher face.

The next time you find your skin looking dull, this is all you need to do!

4 thoughts on “How To Get Rid Of Pigmentation Instantly”

  1. Hii…. How to get rid of pigmentation. Give any home remedy and that ice cubes wont suits mee as i got cold. .


  2. Hi there, thanks for the great vid! will definitely try it out. but can i check if this is applicable for dark elbows/knees or pigmentation on other parts of the body as well? thank you!


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