DIY: Embroidery Earphones

Spice up your favourite accessory in a cool and funky way. You can try various techniques and show off your earphones everywhere you go.

Supplies: Headphones, tape, scissors, clear nail polish, string.
1. Take your headphones and tape the end with the plug down on a table.
2. Measure out the length of the cord of your headphones with your string. Then make sure you have enough string for 4 or 5 of those lengths.
3. Take the string you measured out and split it down the middle.
4. Take the middle and tie it in a double knot around the top of your cord.
5. Always start with the right string. Take the right string and place it under the cord and over the left string.
6. Then take your left string and go over your wire and under your right string.
7. Then pull up and make your first knot. Then continue down the cord.
8. Cut the ends off the string without undoing the knot. Then apply clear nail polish to solidify the ends.

DIY Thumbtack Art

Are you always looking for an easy and inexpensive ways to add art to your wall or want to personalise gift for your friends? Here’s an awesome thumbtack art that is super easy to make. You can make with various designs and glam up your wall and even surprise you friends in a creative way. Let us know in comments below if you would want us to make a DIY on Thumbtack art!

DIY Canvas Wall Art Using Old Magazines : Home Decor

Got a blank wall at home and you just can’t figure out how to spunk it up? We have a perfect fix for you! You really don’t have be super creative for this or spend extra bucks on expensive artwork. You can actually make your own geometric wall art using old magazine. You will need the some basic materials, as listed: A canvas.- A pair of scissors.- A pencil – A cardboard.- A card paper.- A trash bag – A brush – Since mod podge is not available, you can use a mixture with of two parts fevicol, a part water.- Scotch tape – Some magazines. Watch this video to get a step – by – step guide on how to make this fabulous DIY wall art.