How To Make Your Nose Look Slimmer- Makeup Tricks

All of us at some point have wished our nose had a different shape. For those of us that wished we had a slender nose, this is an amazing trick to know. It does take a while to practice and get it right, but when done correctly it alters the shape of the nose. The idea is to use a darker shade of foundation or concealer or even a brozing powder, on the sides of your nose which naturally recede.This is called contouring. And to bring forth or highlight the bridge of the nose, or the parts of the nose that come forth.
TIP: Make sure you have practiced this technique a few times before you wear it to an important event. Keep a small brush handy, so you can draw precise lines. And remember to keep everything blended, so it looks seamless.

The products used in this video are:
-MAC Studio Finish Concealer
-MAC Studio Fix Fluid Foundation

-Flat small concealer brush
-Sephora Pro Precision Foundation Brush (#58)