4 Ways To Wear Print On Print | Styling Basics

Wearing print on print is a really big trend, but it’s something that can either look absolutely fantastic or absolutely horrendous. So, you have to be very careful when mixing prints. Fashion stylists, Komal Vora and Ankita Sehgal have come over to the Glamrs studio to break down this trend for us. They’re going show us 4 print on print looks and tell us the rules of this kind of styling! If you have any other tips and tricks when it comes to mixing prints, share them with us on the comments section below.


9 सही सजने के अंदाज़ हर लड़की के लिए

ज़िन्दगी को और आसान बनाने के लिए हम हमेशा नए नए उपाय की खोज में रहतें है, खास कर जब वह फैशन और स्टाइल पर हो। आज हम glamrs.com  से देखाएँगे  आपको 9 , खास ,सही और झटपट तैयार होने के तरीके ।

4 Ways To Wear A Dress

Bored of the same old dress that has been in your closet forever? Why not upcycle its use by wearing it as a dress, as a top, as a skirt, and as a tunic.

For the first pairing,  add a skirt over the dress thus wearing it as a top.

For the second, cover the top portion with a sweater to create a skirt from the dress.

And lastly, shorten the overall length of the dress to create a tunic.

How To Dress Up Loose And Comfortable Clothing

Want to leave the house looking like a hobo but are afraid of the frowns and displeased looks you might acquire for embracing your love of lounge clothing? Count today as you lucky day because this video teaches you how to instantly add some panache to your everyday look!