4 Crazy Reasons You Get Wrinkles

Turns out that there are things we do everyday that cause avoidable wrinkles. Did you hear that? Every single day we contribute to an uneccesary line on our face. All you have to do is stop doing these four things that are bad for your skin.

3 Ways To Break Bad Hair Habits TODAY!

There are three bad hair habits that women commit every day. Most of us don’t even realize it. But if you have dry, damaged hair, there’s a chance one of them (or all three) is the culprit. Watch the video by New Beauty Magazine to find out if you’re guilty and how you can stop each habit. Your hair will thank you for it.

Beauty DIY: The Ultimate Body Scrub

Whether you are strapped for cash, looking to go back to the basics or just wanting to get more hands on in your beauty routine, this do-it-yourself body scrub is a must-do. Simply smooth the mixture onto your skin using gentle, circular strokes. Rinse off when done. Do this once a week, and your skin will thank you.

Treat Yourself To A Spa Day!

Weekends are for self-pampering. We all need to beautify and prepare ourselves for the long week ahead. These DIY, home made spa tips will have you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world!

Get Rid Of Your Blackheads And Whiteheads, NOW!

Blackheads & Whiteheads are common problems that are faced by lots and lots of people. Want to know how to get rid of them? We have Dr. Rashmi Shetty to tell us about some shocking facts, tips and treatments to help you get a glowing and clear skin. By making a few changes in your daily routine you could achieve a blackhead and whitehead free skin.

5 Reasons To Eat Peanuts

What if one drug could help curb your appetite, lower blood pressure, stabilise blood sugar, and decrease your risk for heart disease? You’d take it, right?

The inexpensive, accessible and oh-so-easy-to-eat peanut has been shown to do all that and more.