How To Deal With Family Pressure This Festive Season

We’re all aware of the looming questions and remarks a family get together brings. ‘You’ve grown so much since the last time I saw you!,’ ‘You look just like you’re mother!,’ and ‘Do you know how to cook?’ While these are all generic and maybe even kind of cute, there’s the big one that we’ve all got to face on a constant basis, especially if you’ve ‘come of age.’


So if you’re not ready to answer that one yet or up to dealing with the others either, we’ve got some cool tips that are going to make any approaching family events a total breeze!



Love and patience,
Faarah D.
(Nutrition and Wellness Editor, Glamrs)

Wellness Tips: How To Bust Stress And Relax The Mind

Experiencing that sinking feeling thats got you down and won’t let you focus on anything but the problem? Sit back and listen to wellness expert Samantha Ibarguen’s pro tips on how you can ease your mind and get down to some much needed peace and relaxation.