An Easy Way To Make Nutella Pancakes

You gotta love Nutella! You can slather it onto a piece of cardboard and it will still taste pretty damn epic! Here’s how you can use it to amp up the yum factor on your breakfast pancakes!

Quick And Easy Nutella Coffee Milkshake

If you want to know the easiest way to impress your guests and friends then this is a drink you have to make! Its so delicious that it will be hard for them to believe that its from your kitchen and not the neighbourhood café!

You need:

2 cups vanilla ice cream

1/4th cup brewed black coffee


You can add some ice to this and blend it all in the mixer.

Add some whipped cream to it and its good to serve!

2-Ingredient Nutella Ice Cream

Nutella has become such a classic staple in our pantries, that such quick & easy recipes need no special requirements and are super fun to make!

All you need is:

  • a blender
  • a couple of bananas
  • Nutella

How To Make Nutella Cheesecake

Did somebody say Nutella cheesecake? Thats enough to make it possible to mop up your own drool! This delicious recipe is super easy to make and looks absolutely tantalising! If you need proof, try it out for yourself!

Yogurt Breakfasts That Taste Like Dessert

Have a sweet-tooth? Why not have a breakfast that satisfies your cravings for dessert even in the morning!

You can add as many options as you like to your regular or flavoured yogurt.

Nutella Hacks To Four Delicious Foods

Like Nutella wasn’t heavenly enough on its own already, its deliciousness is now amplified with these four amazing Nutella centric recipes. These are so good that I would readily forgive them for making me fat….and then reach for a second helping.

4 Easy Nutella Recipes

So, obviously Nutella is the love of our lives and adding it to everything is the best idea ever! We’ve found a you 4 such delicious things you can make at home! It’s so easy and probably takes about 10 minutes to make! We’re sure you’re going to try these and devour them. Do write in and tell us if you have yummier recipes!