How Long Do Homemade Juices Stay Fresh?

We’re going to talk about how long homemade juices will last. Most homemade juices are made by centrifugal juicer, which heats up the juice slightly while it’s being made. This is why you want to consume a centrifugally processed juice as soon after making it as possible. As soon as it’s made, the juice will start to oxidize. The more it’s exposed to air, the quicker it will oxidize. Now, there are a few tricks to help your juice last longer. One that would be to make sure that you put it in a container that is very well sealed and doesn’t have any extra air in it. So fill it up to the top of the container as possible so that it exposes little air as possible. Another thing you can do if you want your juice to last a couple of days would be to immediately freeze it. Freezing a juice will compromise its enzymatic activity a bit, but it will enable most of the juice to stay in integrity and certainly will enable to last a whole lot longer.

How To Boost Your Energy During The Hectic Festive Season

It’s the day and age of the couch potato!
After a long day of work, most of us just want to glue our behinds onto a cushioned velvety surface that we can sink into without moving a muscle for hours on end.
However sitting down for too long is actually thought to cause a slower rate of metabolism, promote obesity, high blood pressure, depression and even cause diabetes!


Also, with the festival season coming up, you’re going to need all the energy you can possible muster to get through the hectic, non-stop celebrations! So here are 5 simple yet genius ways to keep your energy through the roof!



Love and High Energy,
Faarah D
(Nutrition and Wellness Editor, Glamrs)

5 Ways To Relieve Stress | Healthy Foods

Yoga, meditation, exercise and walks. They’re all great ways to bust stress! However this lineup is missing one of the most effective methods – food!
This makes perfect sense because food has the natural ability to attack stress hormones from the inside, actually lowering them to create a calmer, less anxious you. (omg wow)

So don’t tear your hair out just yet, we’ve got your back and an effective list of stress busting foods to the rescue!

So eat up guys :).





1. Handmade India:

2. Sanctum:

3. Freedom Tree:

Faarah D
(Nutrition and Wellness Editor, Glamrs)

Pre-Wedding Weight Loss Guide For Brides-To-Be | Nutrition Tips With Suman Agarwal

Are you a bride who is trying to shed a few pounds before the D-Day? Our Beauty Editor, Monica Shah, met with Celebrity Nutritionist Suman Agarwal to find out the secrets to losing weight. What we found out was that brides should stay away from crash diets, diet pills etc. These types of diets will affect the way your skin and hair will look, and once you get off the diet you are going to put on the weight back. Instead, plan your weight-loss journey well in advance. If you want to lose 10 Kgs start your diet 5 months in advance. Stay away from alcohol and processed sugars. Suman says to keep your skin looking healthy and glowing, make sure you are hydrated and get enough sleep. The miracle juice is great for you during this stressful time, the ingredients for this juice are:

1 Apple

1 Tomato

1 Carrot

1 Amla

1 Boiled Beetroot

1 Cup Pomogranate

Juice all of these and have them first thing in the morning. Make this juice fresh everyday, and see the effect it has on your skin and overall health. Suman herself has this juice, and swears by it. If you would like to get in touch with Suman you can visit: Leave any queries you have in the comments down below, we love to hear from you!

How To Improve Your Sleep

Have you ever found yourself rolling in your bed at night, frustrated at not being able to fall asleep knowing you have an important day the next day?
That happens to almost all of us with hectic schedules. So here are a few tips to help you sleep better, hopefully that work for you as well.

7 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power

It feels like more and more, the days are filled with infinite Facebook newsfeed updates and evening Netflix binges. It’s important to continue exercising our mental health, just as much as our physical. So, we’re sharing 7 tips on boosting your BRAIN POWER every day.

3 Breathing Exercises To Release Stress

A great way to release stress and anxiety is through yoga and meditation! Try these 3 simple breathing exercise to putting yourself on the path to a better day!

7 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power

Boosting your mental health is important and these exercises must be included in your daily lifestyle.

Here are 7 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power Every Day:

1. Meditation
2. Exercise
3. Cook for Yourself
4. Eat More Greens
5. Journal
6. Board Games
7. Sleep More!

Why You Should Be Drinking Warm Lemon Water

Clearing up your skin by reducing blemishes and wrinkles is only ONE of the benefits provided by drinking lemon water first thing in the morning! If that doesn’t do it for you though, here are 8 others!