How To Deal With Family Pressure This Festive Season

We’re all aware of the looming questions and remarks a family get together brings. ‘You’ve grown so much since the last time I saw you!,’ ‘You look just like you’re mother!,’ and ‘Do you know how to cook?’ While these are all generic and maybe even kind of cute, there’s the big one that we’ve all got to face on a constant basis, especially if you’ve ‘come of age.’


So if you’re not ready to answer that one yet or up to dealing with the others either, we’ve got some cool tips that are going to make any approaching family events a total breeze!



Love and patience,
Faarah D.
(Nutrition and Wellness Editor, Glamrs)

Facial Ubtan For Glowing Skin

These days everybody desires quick and instant results, even with beauty! As a quick ‘pick me up’ before we go to a party, an instant glow is just what we need!

You don’t need to opt for fancy expensive chemical treatments to bring back the radiance to your face as we have some really effective home remedies to share with you along with one organic product.

For DRY skin:
blanched almonds
seasame oil
tulsi powder

chickpea powder
sandalwood powder
fenugreek seeds
turmeric powder
rose water

cucumber juice
turmeric powder
red lentil paste
sandalwood powder

All the above mentioned ingredients can be found at grocery stores.

If you don’t feel upto making the Ubtan yourself then you can always buy it from Forest Essentials. It can be mixed with yoghurt (dry skin) or rose water(oily skin).

Hair Care Routine For Curly Hair And Faster Hair Growth

If you do not follow a regular hair care routine for curly hair or dry and damaged hair, it can worsen your hair texture and elasticity causing a lot of hair fall. I’ve been through that phase of negligence and trust me, it can really ruin your hair.

If you’re having a hard time trying to maintain your beautiful curls and preventing it from damage then my hair care routine will really help you out.

I’ve explained all the steps you need to religiously follow to keep your tresses, healthy and shiny forever. After all, some things are just worth spending a little time on 😉

Let me know if you liked this video and if you have any more requests, write them down in the comments section – Shruti Mane :*

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Ponytail Trick: Make Your Hair Appear Longer | Tips And Tricks

Ponytails are universally flattering hairstyles that suit everybody’s face types so why not use it as a trick to give the illusion of longer hair. Hairstylist Shalini Samuel shares a trick that will instantly add some length.

Instead of waiting for ages to let your hair grow, try this look to create the impression.

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Festive Look: Rock This Braided Bun This Diwali

A pretty hairstyle can complete an entire Indian look just perfectly. This fuss-free hairdo will look so elegant at your festive parties, that you’ll be over whelmed by compliments :).

What you will need is:
Bobby pins
Hair Spray
and of course, a lovely outfit to wear it with!

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3 Steps To Cover Dark Lips Like A Pro | Makeup Tricks

Getting the desired colour from a lipstick is usually the goal but discoloured lips rarely let us get away with it.

Like most of us, if you too are facing a similar problem with pigmentation on your lips, then here is an easy solution.

Professional makeup artist Tarannum Khan shows us how we can quickly conceal the pigmentation on our lips and pull off bold lip shades with ease. Its amazing how just these few steps can make your lips look beautifully even toned.

If you have any more requests for corrective makeup tutorials, write them in the comments below.

How To Add Ethnic Pieces To Your Everyday Style

I’ve always loved mixing and matching my unique Indian pieces to my everyday clothes, I feel like it gives your style that much needed zing. You may not know this girls, but we’re sitting on a gold mine. From Mojris to kurtis, each of these pieces can create that quirky style statement I’m always on the look out for. I’m going to show you how I incorporate 5 of my favourite ethnic pieces in my everyday style.
Hope you like this video!
Rea Burman.

4 Ways To Wear Print On Print | Styling Basics

Wearing print on print is a really big trend, but it’s something that can either look absolutely fantastic or absolutely horrendous. So, you have to be very careful when mixing prints. Fashion stylists, Komal Vora and Ankita Sehgal have come over to the Glamrs studio to break down this trend for us. They’re going show us 4 print on print looks and tell us the rules of this kind of styling! If you have any other tips and tricks when it comes to mixing prints, share them with us on the comments section below.

How To Boost Your Energy During This Hectic Festive Season

It’s the day and age of the couch potato!
After a long day of work, most of us just want to glue our behinds onto a cushioned velvety surface that we can sink into without moving a muscle for hours on end.
However sitting down for too long is actually thought to cause a slower rate of metabolism, promote obesity, high blood pressure, depression and even cause diabetes!


Also, with the festival season coming up, you’re going to need all the energy you can possible muster to get through the hectic, non-stop celebrations! So here are 5 simple yet genius ways to keep your energy through the roof!



Love and High Energy,
Faarah D
(Nutrition and Wellness Editor, Glamrs)

5 DIY Nail Art Using Household Items

Girls now-a-day are more into nail art thing due to which they spend quite alot to get the perfect nails. There are many nail art pens, stickers and other tools available in the market. But why to waste money on them when we can get the desired effects free of cost? Yes! The secret is doing the nail art using various house hold stuffs. All you have to do is just look for it around your house. Just grab one of these tools and rock your nails!
I hope you love this video!

Lots of love.
Riya Jain

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